Local MP Steve Brine chaired a packed meeting at St Faith's Primary School on Thursday 21st July as around 100 residents discussed the ongoing issue of a safe crossing on the junction of St Cross Road and Stanmore Lane.
Residents are concerned that dozens of local children cross the road at that junction every day, travelling to St Faith's, Stanmore Primary School and Kings'. They claim that although the council has already added traffic lights that provide a four second gap to cross the road when all lights are red, that is not enough time for small children, particularly as motorists often jump the lights.
Hampshire County Council highways representative Adrian Gray took representations from local people and explained that although 'it is very tight at the moment and everything is constrained' he believed the crossing would happen 'in time'. He went on to say this will come up on the list for consideration for next year's budget.
Steve, who has received feedback on the crossing from the time he became Conservative candidate, said: "This issue predates me, my predecessor and his predecessor. We are fed up waiting. We appreciate the financial constraints, but this is one of the most dangerous crossings in the city and we will not stop until we get what we want."
The local resident who set up the meeting, was pleased at the large attendance. He said: "I think it shows the strength of local feeling. We do not see any reason why this should not be included in next year's budget."